conversion driven styles
Your user must take action before they are directed to the source you are sharing.
Send your user anywhere you want them to go. A sales page. An affiliate offer. Anywhere.
Grow your list on steriods with the optin form snippet!
Use any 3rd party script on your Clixee link to do more with every click!
Choose from a wide variety of themes and designs. Each design can be fully customized with your own color scheme and fonts to compliment or stand out from the web page your visitors are on.
Use scripts like Video Ask, Cubeet, and others to add video to your Clix!
Use scripts from Web Visitors, Facebook, ad networks and other tracking platforms!
Add a calendly link to click to create a meeting with you right from your Clix!
Add ANYTHING! Any script you can add to a website you can add to your Clix!
Add each visitor who engages with your "Clix" to retargeting platforms like Facebook, Google, Fetchback, Adroll and more. Create hyper targeted custom audiences and ads relevant to each "Clix" created. You can add as many third party tracking codes as you want. Track away!Sign Up Now
Add social sharing options onto any of your "Clix" to encourage sharing and engagement on papular social sharing sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Create a pre-populated message, that can help to control what people are sharing about your "Clix".
Email Us:
41 East 400 North #331
Logan, Utah 84321